"Lionesses at the gate of the home."

“I have said lately that women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. Whatever happens in that home and family happens because she cares about it and it matters to her. She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. For example, if the lioness at the gate believes in the law of tithing, tithing will be paid in that family. If that family has a humble little portion of ten pesos coming in, that lioness will safeguard the one peso if tithing is important to her. If that lioness at the gate knows about renewing her baptismal covenants with God, she will be in sacrament meeting on Sunday, and she will prepare her children to be there. They will be washed, cleaned, combed, and taught about that meeting and what happens there. It isn’t a casual event, but it is serious to her, and it will be serious to them. The lioness at the gate ensures that temple worship is taken care of in the family. She encourages that participation. She cares about seeking after her ancestors. If the lioness at the gate knows about and understands missions, missionaries, and the mission of the house of Israel, she will prepare future missionaries to go out from that home. It is very difficult to get a lion cub away from a lioness who doesn’t believe in missions, but if the lioness believes in a mission, she will devote her life to preparing the cub to go out and serve the Lord. That’s how important she is. Service happens if she cares about it.

“Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate.”

Julie B. Beck, Address Given at BYU Women’s Conference, Thursday, April 29, 2010.

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2 thoughts to “"Lionesses at the gate of the home."”

  1. I loved her talk! A lot to think about. At the beginning she said that this meeting is a gift and how true that statement was a gift. I am thinking more of the gifts that are mine. This new day with a new start, each opportunity that comes my way from the hand of the Lord. Thanks for sharing.

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