FHE: Quickly I’ll Obey (and a great resource for FHE lessons)

Scripture of the Week
“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12

“Children , obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1

Lesson Plan
Follow the lesson plan Honoring Your Parents from A Year of Family Home Evenings.

I decided to change things up a bit, and I gave my girls the coloring page to work on while we talked about the lesson. I think it helped them to listen a little bit more, and at least they weren’t running around the room while we talked.

In addition, we also sang “Quickly I’ll Obey” (CS, 197). We then played a game I called “Quickly Obey”. Basically it was just a variation of Simon Says to teach the girls instant obedience in a fun way. We said things like “Quickly obey…touch your nose” or “Quickly obey…put your finger on your knee” or “Quickly obey…jump up and down 5 times”. The girls thought it was pretty fun.

Quickly Obey is one of our new family habits, to go along with Hands are for Hugging, not Hurting.

I need to put a shout-out for for A Year of Family Home Evenings. I just discovered this blog, and it is a wonderful resource for parents of young children. Emilie has plans for an entire years worth of lessons, complete with a scripture and learning activities and songs. Her children are the same ages as mine (nearly 6 and nearly 3, plus a baby), so it’s a really good match. Go check it out, and you might find your next FHE lesson planned out for you!

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