In a talk given to the women of the church in November 2000, President Hinckley suggested several things that parents might teach their children. Here are his sixth and seventh suggestions:
Teach them to be virtuous. Teach young men to respect young women as daughters of God endowed with something very precious and beautiful. Teach your daughters to have respect for young men, for boys who hold the priesthood, boys who should and do stand above the tawdry evils of the world.
Teach them to pray. None of us is wise enough to make it on our own. We need the help, the wisdom, the guidance of the Almighty in reaching those decisions that are so tremendously important in our lives. There is no substitute for prayer. There is no greater resource.
“Teach your children when they are very young and small, and never quit. As long as they are in your home, let them be your primary interest.”
Gordon B. Hinckley, “Your Greatest Challenge, Mother,” Ensign, Nov 2000, 97–100
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