Spring Cleaning–Join the Party

Spring is definitely in the air. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, Easter has come and gone. I’ve been feeling the urge to do some deep cleaning and organizing in my home. What better way to do it than to join the party?


Once of my favorite blogs, Simple Mom, is hosting a spring cleaning party for the next weeks. Tsh will be working through each room of the house, sharing tips and offering encouragement. Check out her guidelines here. If you want to join in the fun you can post before and after pictures on your own blog, as a way to measure your progress and share your success.

Mandi’s blog, Organizing Your Way, is one of my new favorite blogs to read. She’s participating in the party, sharing her best tips for organizing in the best way to fit you.

When I first read about this party I thought “Great idea! I would love to spend two weeks getting my house in shape from top to bottom. Down with clutter!”

But then I remembered a few things:
One-I have two little girls.
Two-I have a husband.
Three-I have piano students to prepare for.
Four-I have a Primary calling.
Five-Book Club to host, Dishes, Laundry, Visiting Teaching, Blogging….and more

As much as I would like to just focus on cleaning my house, real life must go on. So I’ll be participating in a modified form. In fact–I already started!

Last week I sat down and took a look at my house. I made a list of each room and all of the jobs that need to be done in that room. Where possible I tried to break the jobs into something that could be done in 15-20 minutes. That’s about the right amount of time for what I can reasonably accomplish each day.

This is what my list looks for my kitchen.
-outside and underneath fridge
-outside and underneath oven
-back wall cupboards
-front high cupboards
-low cupboards

And the kitchen is done! Hurray!

I started with the kitchen because that was the easiest for me. It only took me 6 days. My system might take me awhile, but it’s manageable and not overwhelming to me. I’ll keep moving through my house, and applying the tips I like from Tsh and Mandi. Maybe I’ll even a post a picture or two of my progress.

Of course, my children will be at my side as much as possible!

Anybody else want to join the party?
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3 thoughts to “Spring Cleaning–Join the Party”

  1. You’re doing great. I like to organize in little intervals through out the day. That’s the only way to get it done without feeling overwhelmed.

  2. It’s always rather daunting to motivate myself to do all those “extra” cleaning things. Painting a room is one way–for me that forces everything to get clean. And, having visitors is another! We have DH’s brother coming in a couple of weeks. So, that’s been a focus for me for quite a while!

  3. Well, I am NOT joining the party, but I have the spring cleaning itch, too. It’s just a matter of finding the time to get it done!!!

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