Books for Beginning Readers

My seven-year-old daughter has been making great progress in learning to read. She loves to be read to (and I enjoy reading to my children!), but getting her to read on her own has taken some prodding. Here is our list of favorite beginning reader books that she has enjoyed.

9781423133094_p0_v2_s260x420The Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems: This author is always a favorite at our house, and we have long enjoyed the silly tales of Elephant and Piggie.

9780062082039-sm1The Penny books by Kevin Henke: Penny and Her Song, Penny and the Marble, Penny and Her Doll: All are sweet stories by another favorite author.

200px-Frog_and_toad_coverThe Frog and Toad books by Arnold Lobel: Frog and Toads adventurous days are often quite hilarious, and their friendship is the kind worth reading about!

9780061478147_Extralarge_imageLittle Critter books by Mercer Meyer: Cute stories that children can relate to, these books are a great length so as not to be intimidating.

9780516020679_xlgRookie Readers series: I found these short books at our library, probably around 50 books written by different authors. They are short, easier reads, and were the first books that my daughter would try reading by herself.

seuss-1-fish-2-fishDr. Seuss:  check out this helpful leveled reading guide to guide you toward an appropriate choice.

220px-LittleBearThe Little Bear books by Else Minarik: The little bear stories are sweet to read. We have enjoyed these stories mostly as read alouds, but they are a great level for beginning readers.



Fancy Nancy Beginning Readers: We have been reading Fancy Nancy aloud and enjoying her for years, but admittedly my daughter hasn’t been too willing to try these on her own. I still think they are worth including on this list, and might strike her interest again one of these days.

Looking for more ideas? Check out Not Your Mother’s “Dick and Jane”: Beginning readers that won’t bore you to tears.

What beginning reader books have you and your children enjoyed?

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