Ice Cream Cone Trees (and a FHE lesson to go with it)

I’ve got about 10 different posts I would love to share with you this holiday season. Unfortunately, they are all still just written in my head. Time with my family and other projects are at a higher priority than blogging right now, so you’ll probably have to rely on my Pinterest boards to see the fun ideas we have been trying this year.  But here is quick idea I had to share: Ice Cream Cone Trees

Supplies Needed

Sugar ice cream cones

Frosting (tinted green)

Assorted candy: we used red and green M&Ms, mini marshmallows, and crushed candy canes. For the star on top we used a Reese’s Pieces.

The directions are simple: Spread the frosting on the cone, decorate with candy, and voila–instant Christmas tree! This activity was a hit with the entire family, from the 20 month old to the 31 year old.This little cutie did a lot more eating then decorating!This would make a great addition to a gingerbread house. I’ve been a little intimidated by the effort involved to make a gingerbread house and have yet to attempt that activity, but the trees were a great alternative for our family. You can visit this blog for fabulous patterns and tutorials if you are in the mood to make a gingerbread house.

Prior to doing this activity we had a Family Home Evening Lesson on the symbols of Christmas, provided by A Year of FHE. All around a great family activity!

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