FHE: Be Grateful

Scripture(s) of the week
D&C 98:1 “…rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks;”

D&C 59:7 “Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things.”

Mosiah 2:19 “…O how you ought to thank your heavenly King!”

Alma 34:38 “…live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.”

I wanted to focus a lot of gratitude and thanksgiving this month, so of course that is what we have been discussing at Family Home Evening.

Last week we followed the lesson plan Heavenly Father Blesses Us from A Year of FHE. The overflowing water (blessings) cup was a great hands on activity for my girls.

Yesterday we reviewed our family habits and decided to add “Be Grateful” to our family habit list. We decorated a simple banner with those words as reminder, while Dad shared the above scriptures with us. I wanted to make some thank you cards as well (find a template here or here) but we ran out of time. I think that will be a good Sunday activity for us as a follow-up.

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