A lesson for Easter

The theme in Primary for this month is Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. I’ve been preparing my Sharing Time lesson for this Easter Sunday, and I think I will do some variation of using Easter eggs, the Gospel Art picture kit, and symbolic items to teach the children about the Savior’s atonement and resurrection. Hailey shared a great lesson plan at Little LDS Ideas.

To conclude the lesson I plan to share the following film:

But I also really like this newest film:

In our family we traditionally have an Easter themed FHE lesson the week before Easter, to put us in the right frame of mind to remember the real reason behind Easter. This year we followed the lesson plan from A Year of FHE.

FHE quick tip: I have discovered that the best way to keep the attention of my children during FHE is to gather at the table, instead of on the couch. The living room leaves too much space for jumping or running or dancing around, whereas at the table they have to be more contained. Then I usually give them a coloring page to work on while we discuss the lesson. Coloring keeps their hands busy, and their ears (and heart and mind) more receptive to the message.

Our Easter celebrations are simple. We will have a nice family dinner on Sunday (always a baked ham, this year with red potatoes and green beans), followed by an Easter egg hunt outdoors. In my attempt to keep the day focused on the real reason for Easter, many of the eggs that we hide contain a small picture of Jesus Christ. I cut the pictures out of old Ensign magazines, fold them up and save them for future years. I still include small candy/treats in the eggs, but the pictures of the Savior are my little reminders.

How do you celebrate Easter?

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One thought to “A lesson for Easter”

  1. We always have our Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday and then we can focus on the Savior on Easter Sunday.

    I LOVE your FHE tip… we may have to start having our FHE around the table!

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