Christmas Cards 1,2,3,4,5

After 8 years of married life, I think we’ve got the Christmas card tradition down pat.

Step 1: The Family Photo

Always at the top of my to-do list in October or November is our annual family photo shoot. Being graduate students on a limited budget, we are “do-it-yourselfers” when it comes to a lot of things, including family photos. We load up the kids and our camera (with a timer and a tripod) and head to a nearby park or green area (plenty of those in Florida).  We headed out last weekend on a beautiful day, and we got some great photos of the family and each of the kids.

In 2009 we showed off our Gator pride. This year we’re a family of 5!

Step 2: The Christmas Cards

We have done some type of Christmas card each year, ranging from homemade, to store bought, to digital (read: email). Last year was our first year ordering photo cards online and I’ve been sold to the merits of photo cards ever since.

This year, we’re shopping at Shutterfly for our cards. They have so many great products for preserving and sharing memories through photos (like calendars, ornaments, and puzzles) and their photo card designs are excellent. I started browsing through their card section and here are a few designs that I like:

Gifted Tag

O Mod Tannenbaum

Joy & Love

Retro Tree

Snowflake wishes

Polka Dot Wishes

Really, I could go on and on here.  So much fun, I’m going to have trouble picking just one! Do you want to pick one out too? If you’re a blogger, you can get your cards from Shutterfly too-FREE! (!)

Step 3: The Annual Letter

Drafting the letter is usually the hardest part.  Just the right amount of news and accomplishments without bragging can be a little tricky, but I think the letter is an important record when it comes to preserving our family history. Most years we have followed a traditional letter/newsletter format. In 2009 we shared 9 things we did that year, and in 2006 we shared a “Family Timeline”-a few bullet points highlighting each month. I’m still searching for some brilliant way to share 2010 with our family and friends.

Step4: Address and Mail

Definitely involve the kids in this step. The Ant Bug loves to add the stamps and address labels, and if she wants to lick the envelopes I’m happy to let her do it! Otherwise,  I usually just use a damp washcloth to seal things up.

Step 5: Enjoy

I love to get the mail during the month of December, because receiving a Christmas card from a family member or friend is so exciting. We always post the pictures on the wall and enjoy them throughout the month.

Do you send out Christmas Cards each year? Remember: !

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2 thoughts to “Christmas Cards 1,2,3,4,5”

  1. I haven’t had the kids help with our cards before, but stamping and licking sounds like the perfect job for them. Thanks for the idea!

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