The Sabbath is a Delight (FHE plans and quotes from Elder Nelson)

Lesson Plan

Share and discuss the following quotes from Elder Russell M. Nelson, “The Sabbath is a Delight”. April 2015 General Conference.

“The Sabbath was His gift to us, granting real respite from the rigors of daily life and an opportunity for spiritual and physical renewal. God gave us this special day, not for amusement or daily labor but for a rest from duty, with physical and spiritual relief.”

“In Hebrew, the word Sabbath means “rest.””

“We now partake of the sacrament on the Sabbath day in remembrance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”

“It wasn’t until later that I learned from the scriptures that my conduct and my attitude on the Sabbath constituted a sign between me and my Heavenly Father.With that understanding, I no longer needed lists of dos and don’ts. When I had to make a decision whether or not an activity was appropriate for the Sabbath, I simply asked myself, “What sign do I want to give to God?” That question made my choices about the Sabbath day crystal clear.”

Discussion: What activities can we do on the Sabbath that would make it a delight to us?

Elder Nelson suggested: going to church, partaking of the sacrament, being diligent in our callings, strengthen family ties, study and teach the gospel, family history work, give service to others.

“Not pursuing your “own pleasure” on the Sabbath requires self-discipline. You may have to deny yourself of something you might like. If you choose to delight yourself in the Lord, you will not permit yourself to treat it as any other day. Routine and recreational activities can be done some other time.”

Personal experience: After pondering Elder Nelson’s counsel, I have decided to forego my pleasure reading on Sunday (novels,  Facebook, and blog subscriptions) and instead spend my free time studying the gospel. I have been amazed to discover what is available on the Gospel Library iPad app!


“Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then … are ye sanctified in Christ.” (Moroni 10:32)

Further Study

Video excerpt from Elder Nelson’s talk

Elder L. Tom Perry, “The Sabbath and the Sacrament”. April 2011 General Conference.

“Let Your Faith Show” (Highlights from Elder Nelson, April 2014)

When we speak of faith—the faith that can move mountains—we are not speaking of faith in general but of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can be bolstered as we learn about Him and live our religion. The doctrine of Jesus Christ was designed by the Lord to help us increase our faith.”

“There is only One in whom your faith is always safe, and that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. And you need to let your faith show!”meme-nelson-faith-1240482-gallery

Keeping divine commandments brings blessings, every time! Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings, every time!”

Elder Russell M. Nelson, “Let Your Faith Show”. April 2014 General Conference.

Living after the manner of happiness

This year our family has chosen 2 Nephi 5:27 for our family scripture:

“And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness”

I am really excited about this scripture, and the lessons that it will inspire. We have already had a few FHE lessons focusing on this month. As I have been studying the talks from the recent General Conference  a few quotes along this theme have stood out to me.

“Heavenly Father has made each of us unique. No two of us have exactly the same experiences. No two families are alike. So it is not surprising that advice about how to choose happiness in family life is hard to give. Yet a loving Heavenly Father has set the same path to happiness for all of His children. Whatever our personal characteristics or whatever will be our experiences, there is but one plan of happiness. That plan is to follow all the commandments of God.” (President Henry B. Eyring, “To My Grandchildren”)

“The Savior’s way of life is good. His way includes chastity before marriage and total fidelity within marriage. The Lord’s way is the only way for us to experience enduring happiness. His way brings sustained comfort to our souls and perennial peace to our homes. And best of all, His way leads us home to Him and our Heavenly Father, to eternal life and exaltation.This is the very essence of God’s work and glory.” (Russell M. Nelson, “Decisions for Eternity“)

“The gospel teaches us to be happy, to have faith rather than fear, to find hope and overcome despair, to leave darkness and turn toward the light of the everlasting gospel.” (Boyd K. Packer, “The Key to Spiritual Protection”)