I recently came across two helpful articles on lds.org related to Sabbath Day observance. Both of them would spark important family discussions or be appropriate FHE lessons, so I am posting them here for future reference.
How Would Your Family Describe the Sabbath?
We are in our second week of back to school. I love the after school pick-up time, because my three school-age kids are usually bursting and the words come tumbling out quick as they all try to tell me about their day (at the same time, which gets tricky as I try to juggle three conversations plus a baby at once). But somedays the information isn’t as forthcoming, or I might want to dig a little deeper. My husband sent me the following link, which would provide great dinnertime or bedtime conversation starters.
30 Questions to ask your kid instead of “How was your day?”
I just quickly printed off the set, cut them apart and stuck them in a jar to keep handy on our table. We are ready to start tonight!