Making the Sabbath a Delight: Links and Resources

If you have been paying attention to, then you have probably noticed a renewed emphasis on the Sabbath day. It began with Elder Nelson’s talk in the April 2015 General Conference, and there have been a number of articles shared since then. I am preparing a lesson for my Relief Society on the topic, and here are some of the resources I have gathered so far.

Elder Russell M. Nelson, “The Sabbath is a Delight”. April 2015 General Conference. (and my FHE Lesson based on his talk).

Elder L. Tom Perry, “The Sabbath and the Sacrament”. April 2011 General Conference.

“Church Leaders Call for Better Observance of Sabbath Day”. Mormon Newsroom.

Neill F. Marriott, “Are You Ready for What the Sabbath offers?” Church News.

E. Jeffrey Hill, “5 Ways to Celebrate the Sabbath as a Family”. Church News.

Prophetic Teachings: Sabbath Day: includes links to words of Brigham Young, John Taylor, Joseph F. Smith, and Spencer W. Kimball

Sabbath Day Observance: for LDS youth

The Sabbath Day: a song printed in the November 2004 Friend magazine.

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