Preparing myself for General Conference

Earlier this week I shared some of the plans I have to help my family prepare for General Conference. I have also been preparing myself spiritually by thinking and pondering about the answers and guidance I most need in my life right now.

The following articles/talks are great reads to help put anyone in the right frame of mind leading into a conference weekend.

Elder Robert D. Hales, “General Conference: Strengthening Faith and Testimony”. October 2013 General Conference.

Elder Neil L. Anderson, “Teaching Our Children to Love the Prophets”. April 1996 Ensign.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “General Conference-No Ordinay Blessing”. September 2011 Ensign.

General Conference: A Paradigm Shift -Remember not to spend the weekend “shushing” the children. Make it a positive experience for all (and whatever I miss, I can read later!).

Preparing Yourself for General Conference

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