The how vs. where we raise our children

We have recently had to make a difficult decision regarding where we should accept a job after my husband completes a year-long internship. The following quote struck me and reinforced the idea that it doesn’t really matter where we live, as long as we are doing the important things to keep our family on the right track. 

“One thing we have often been taught is to bloom where we are planted. Yet sometimes we are tempted to migrate to some new area, thinking our children will have more friends and therefore better youth programs.

Brothers and sisters, do we really think the critical factor in the salvation of our children is the neighborhood where we live? The apostles and prophets have often taught that what happens inside the home is far more important than what our children encounter outside. How we raise our children is more important than where we raise them.

Certainly there are other factors involved in deciding where to live, and thankfully, the Lord will guide us if we seek His confirmation.

Another question is “Where are we needed?” For 16 years I served in the presidency of the Houston Texas North Stake. Many moved to our area during those years. We would often receive a phone call announcing someone moving in and asking which was the best ward. Only once in 16 years did I receive a call asking, “Which ward needs a good family? Where can we help?”

In the early years of the Church, President Brigham Young and others would call members to go to a certain place to build up the Church there. The irony is that even now we have faithful Church members everywhere who would go anywhere the prophet asked them to go. Do we really expect President Monson to individually tell more than 14 million of us where our family is needed? The Lord’s way is that we hearken to our leaders’ teachings, understand correct principles, and govern ourselves.”

Elder Stanley G. Ellis, “The Lord’s Way”. April 2013 General Conference.

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One thought to “The how vs. where we raise our children”

  1. Oh boy, do I need to remember this quote right now. I’m getting too bogged down in school/ward boundaries that I forget that the most important things I do are in my own home. Thanks for the reminder!

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