From A to Z

From A…

…to Z….

…and all the letters in between!

After 9 months, the Sweet Bee and I have finished our crafty tour of the alphabet. I don’t have individual pictures of each letter, but here is the rundown if you can’t tell from the photo:

alligator A

bumblebee B

caterpillar C

duck D

elephant E

Frog F

green and glittery G

house H

island I

jelly bean J

kite K

ladybug L

mountain M

noodle N

owl O

piano P

queen Q

rabbit R

starry S

train T

umbrella U

vase V

watermelon W

xylophone X

yellow Y

zebra Z

Most of our inspiration for this (almost) weekly letter project came from No Time for Flashcards. This was a great activity that didn’t take a lot of prep work, since we just used supplies we already had on hand.

Hmmmm, what should we do next?!

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3 thoughts to “From A to Z”

  1. Jeanine–my girls would love letter parties. I’m sure it wouldn’t take much convincing to get the Ant Bug to start planning one for us. Thanks for the suggestion!

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