Giveaway: A Free Dress from Mikarose

This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to #24, Louise!

I am really excited to announce a giveaway this week!

I was recently contacted by a representative of MikaRose, who wants to give one of my readers a $60 gift certificate to their store, enough to cover a stylish dress and shipping costs. I checked out their site and immediately fell in love with their dresses, so I’m thrilled to offer one to you! MikaRose features incredibly cute, modest dresses at great prices. Now is the perfect time to treat yourself to a new spring dress!
To enter the giveaway, just visit the MikaRose website and browse the dresses, then come back here and leave me a comment letting me know which dress you like best. Pretty simple, eh?

The giveaway will close at midnight on Friday, March 12th, and I’ll announce the winner chosen from random on Saturday. The giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada.

For additional entries (please be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry):
-Blog about this giveaway
-Become a fan of MikaRose on Facebook

Don’t worry if you don’t win, MikaRose is offering all of my readers a 15% discount on their site, simply by entering the code: “NURTUREMAMA15”

So go get shopping!

Note: I am doing this giveaway because I was contacted by MikaRose, and although I have never purchased anything from their site, I liked what I saw and wanted to offer my readers a chance to win a gift certificate.

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50 thoughts to “Giveaway: A Free Dress from Mikarose”

  1. Cute dresses! I like the Butterfly dress for Abby and the Alison or Christine or Emily for me:) I'm going to become a fan on facebook too.

  2. I love Mikarose! They have traveling shows at our Costco and I always drool over their dresses! I love the "Lindsey" and may have to buy a few dresses for my girls!!

  3. The Alexia dress is so cute, but they are all really cute…I am new to your blog it is very full of great ideas, and thoughts…

  4. So cute! I love Alice, Cynthia, Emily, Lindsey, and Isabelle….it would be way hard to choose just one!
    They also have some cute shirts and skirts! Hmmm and they carry them in a store here in Twin. I'll have to go check them out in person. I also became a "fan."

  5. Those are cute dresses. My sister talks about them all the time when they come to her Costco. Moms never get new clothes without feeling guilty so this is a great giveaway. I love the Christine dress, it reminds me of a dress my grandma wore when she was younger. But the Emily and Lindsey are cute also! I might just have to get some dresses for my girls.

  6. How exciting!!

    I think my favorite is the "Emily" dress or "Ariana" – the one's you have pictured. . . are those your favorites too??

  7. Who wouldn't want a new spring dress!? Such cute styles for me and my girls…thanks for the givaway offer! I like Alice and Eva and all the little girl ones. 🙂

  8. I think my favorite is the Allison dress… but most of these are pretty cute. I was looking at the website again today and realized that I actually have three of the dresses for my littlest one (from a Costco Roadshow). She outgrew two of them, so maybe I should buy a larger size. They are darling, and I always get comments on the dresses. At least now I know where to send people!

  9. I NEED the Alice Dress! It's beautiful and perfect!

    Let this be my lucky day! My birthday is March 12th!

    Going to FB Fan Mikarose right now!

  10. I love the dresses. Nice! I would think that the Emily or the Lindsey dress would look better on me. Thanks Kristi!

  11. I am really bummed I didn't get to this sooner, because I will definitely post something on my blog! I really like all of the dresses, and actually would wear any of them. Some favorites were Alice and Ariana, and Isabelle from the Clearance section. The one I think I will get is Eva because I have been wanting a black dress!

  12. Great blog site, K! I've seen a couple of clothing stores like Micarose, but I really like their items. I love the "Alice" dress. I think that it is a classic yet unique style dress. This is fun! -Sonia

  13. I just recently found out about your blog through Linda Richards blog and have been loving all your ideas–I keep meaning to tell you that everytime I see you! I love that Emily dress.

  14. By the way, I posted a link to your blog on mine awhile ago when I found out about how amazing yours was! And I will become a fan on facebook!

  15. I keep meaning to come to your blog Kristi–it is such a great idea. As for the dresses, how fun! I like the Alexia dress best!

  16. Ha! I just did a giveaway for them on my blog this week…so now I'll enter your' giveaway!
    The Emily is a fav of mine!

  17. Boy- I picked the right day to catch up on blogs! 🙂 I like the "Alice." I hope you are doing well, NutureMama- I miss you!

  18. Thanks for the giveaway! I have never heard of this company but will be checking them out soon and often! Love it!

  19. This blog is really nice!!!!it drive me crazy, i love the new styles and the dark colours. I think we identify with evey dress that we usually wear.
    But i must to say the sensual dress in my favorit style.
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