February is a fun month because there are so many activities you can do related to hearts and love. The Ant Bug has been cutting out hearts for the last five days and pasting them around our house.
This year we decided to be a little more festive and make a Valentine’s banner. I found a heart template online, and started tracing and cutting out the hearts on pink cardstock. I wrote the letters and the Ant Bug outlined them with our glitter gel pens. I had planned to make the hearts more like conversation hearts (I LUV U 4 Ever), but as the Ant Bug and I started spelling it out, she was concerned that we were spelling love the wrong way so we decided to be correct in our spelling. Once the glitter was a little dry, we punched a hole on each side of the heart and threaded some pink yarn through, then tied the whole garland to our banister.
I think my girls love Valentine’s Day because we get to use pink a lot!
Last year I wrote about my favorite Love Books for Parents and Children. They are books perfect for snuggling and might even bring a tear to your eye. Here are few more to add to the list:

How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
Looking for more Valentine’s Ideas? Be sure to check out Make and Takes–Marie has been posting many heart-based treats and crafts. I’ll be trying a few of her fun ideas in the next month, starting with heart shaped toast.