Foiled again-we’re not nature walking today

This illness is working it’s way through our family. The Ant Bug is mostly recovered (just on medication for an ear infection), but the Sweet Bee has had a runny nose and cough for the last few days, along with a fever off and on (she’s at 100 degrees this morning). And now I’m getting the symptoms too, even though I always say “mothers aren’t allowed to get sick. They have too much to do!”

So we’ll be staying home today, and hopefully we will all be healthy soon! Go ahead without us and enjoy the park, and we’ll try again in a few weeks.

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2 thoughts to “Foiled again-we’re not nature walking today”

  1. So sorry you guys have been sick. We've had the same type of stuff running around our town. Thankfully none of us have been hit too hard by it. We hope you are all feeling well for the weekend!

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