Here are a few fun activities to try on a long summer day!
Mix the following in a pot on stove:
1 cup cornstarch
1/3-cup sugar
4 cups cold water
Heat, stirring constantly. Once it starts to thicken – remove from heat.
Divide between as many bowls as you have colors (food coloring). Add some food coloring to each bowl and mix. Primary colors are great!When it has cooled, scoop some of 2 or more of your goop into a ziploc bag. Seal the bag and enjoy squishing and squeezing to blend the colors.
And if squishing the bag isn’t enough, my girls had a blast mixing up all of the leftovers in the bowls. Messy, but fun!
Contact paper
Draw and cut-out your child’s initial from the contact paper. Stick the initial onto the paper. Make sure you give the contact paper a good rub so the colors won’t seep underneath it during painting.Let your little artist go to work painting the entire paper. When finished, let your painting dry, then peel off the contact paper.
Cutting Practice
Sensory Activity: Dig and Find (from No Time for Flashcards)
Small toys or items to find-we used plastic letters and animals
Storing and scooping supplies-plastic containers, spoons, measuring cups, etc.
Try not to stress out about the rice all over your floor! Sensory activities are messy, but they are so important for this age. That look of happiness makes it all worth it!
I like these ideas. I am going to try a couple. Thanks
This is wonderful, thanks so much for posting this:)
Going to see if I have cornstarch right now!
Thanks for the really cute collection of great ideas!
Thanks! We did the watercolor initials, but we used finger paints and it worked out great and we had fun :- )
Our former nursery leader colored the rice different colors and then mixed it all up and let the kids play in it. Our kids have a sandbox, so I don't think we will do the rice, but we'll try the other ideas. Thanks!