Responsibilities, Virtue and Happiness

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend a multi-stake women’s conference meeting. The speakers were Sister Julie B. Beck, General Relief Society President, Sister Mary N. Cook, First Counselor in the Young Woman General Presidency, and Elder John S. Anderson of the Seventy. What a blessing to hear them speak near my home in Florida! The talks were uplifting (of course!) and I thought I would share the highlights from my notes.

Sister Beck
The purpose of Relief Society and our responsibility as women is to:
1) Increase in faith and personal righteousness
2) Strengthen families and home
3) Seek out those who are in need

“A mother is the most influential and powerful force in the life of a child.”

Create happy memories and happy times. Enjoy it! This life is meant to be the experience in preparation for the dream of eternal life.

Sister Cook
Virtue is a pattern of thought and behavior of high moral standards. It includes chastity and purity.

Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.”

How do we become virtuous? Accept the challenge that has been given to all of the youth:
1) Read the Book of Mormon 5 minutes every day
2) Pray night and morning every day
3) Smile every day

Elder Anderson

We need to be more happy. Elder Perry always says “Be of good cheer. In the end–we win!

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2 thoughts to “Responsibilities, Virtue and Happiness”

  1. I had meant to ask if you were going to the conference, and I am so glad you did!! Thank you for sharing those thoughts and messages for those of us that weren’t there. Very inspirational!

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