With the start of a new school year I have been thinking of the lessons that I want my children to remember and take with them as they head out into the world. One important lesson I wanted them to understand is the concept of letting our light shine. I was thrilled to discover today that the First Presidency message in the August 2015 Ensign was focused on this theme. My daughter and I put together a FHE lesson that drew primarily from President Monson’s words, along with the great scripture from Matthew 5:16.
Lesson Plan
Share and discuss the following quotes from President Thomas S. Monson, “Stand as a Light”. August 2015 Ensign.
“I would like all of the youth of the Church to know that they are children of light. As such, they have a responsibility to be “as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15). They have a duty to share the truths of the gospel. They have a calling to stand as a temple beacon, reflecting gospel light to an increasingly dark world. They have a charge to keep their light aflame and burning brightly.
“In order for us to be “an example of the believers” (1 Timothy 4:12), we ourselves must believe. We must develop the faith necessary to survive spiritually and to project a light for others. We must nurture our testimony until it becomes an anchor to our lives.
“Among the most effective ways to gain and keep the faith we need today is to read and study the scriptures and to pray frequently and consistently. To the youth of the Church, I say, if you haven’t done so, develop now a habit of daily scripture study and prayer. Without these two essential practices, outside influences and the sometimes-harsh realities of life can dim or even extinguish your light.”
Discussion and Personal Reflection: Do I have a daily habit of scripture study and prayer? Encourage everyone to work on this habit!
Scripture: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
“As you follow the example of the Savior, yours will be the opportunity to be a light, as it were, in the lives of those around you. When you are a light to the world, people around you will feel a special spirit that will make them want to associate with you and follow your example.”
Activity: Complete the worksheet included with the Ensign article, discussing ways that we can each shine our light.
Surprise: Present each child with a small flashlight to help them remember to let their light shine.
Conclusion: Remind the children how much they are loved!
“To our youth, I say, our Heavenly Father loves you. May you feel also the love which Church leaders have for you. May you ever have a desire to serve your Heavenly Father and His Son. And may you always walk in truth and stand as a light among God’s children.”
Other resources
Listen to “Child of Light” by Mindy Gledhill (find it here).
“Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations” (D&C 115:5).