FHE: Holiness to the Lord

Scripture of the Week:
“Wherefore…thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me.”
D&C 21:4

Lesson Plan:
-Read/tell the story of John Moyle in the February 2010 Friend, A Banner of Faithfulness by President Uchtdorf.
-Discuss what “holiness” means: something that is set apart for a sacred purpose, purity of a persons heart and intent, sacred, consecrated, etc.
-Discuss the scripture.
-Make and decorate our own banner of faithfulness to display.
Our banner is not a work of art by the standard of the world, but it definitely shows the personality of our children!

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2 thoughts to “FHE: Holiness to the Lord”

  1. My sister, Lacy told me about you… What a great blog you've got. Thanks for sharing your great ideas… and doing all of the hard work for us. 🙂

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