The Ant Bug loves cats.

She likes to pretend to be a cat, and spends a lot of time saying “Meow”. She also roars like a lion.

We have printed and colored countless cat pictures.
And we have tried our hands (or should I say paws?!) at any number of cat crafts, like this latest one.
Her favorite movie of all time stars a really big cat.

This is a delightful story about a kitten’s adventure in the moonlight.
Slinky Malinki, by Lynley Dodd
A mischievious cat learns his lesson.
This is a great book about talented cats from all over the world. But the best cat is the ordinary down home cat who likes to hide in boxes.
(Visited 48 times, 1 visits today)
Cute kitten there!:)
Got here a nice site for coloring, your kids might love to use: