5 Books for Friday: Fun Picture Books

I love to read fun picture books with my children. Here are five great recent discoveries we have added to our favorites list.

9781596439221Froodle by Antoinette Portis: a hilarious book about a bird who decides to do something out of the ordinary.

Hooray-for-Hat-150x150Hooray for Hat! by Brian Won: a nice lesson on dealing with grumpiness and bringing happiness to others.

143-85861-most-magnificent-thing-1417802548The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires: a great lesson on ambition and persistence through frustration.

IMG_7897-750x643Have You Seen My Dragon? by Steve Light: a counting book with fantastic illustrations.

Prudence_Wants_a_petPrudence Wants a Pet by Cathleen Daly: a resourceful child uses her imagination in creating a pet for herself, until she finally gets the perfect one.

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