4 Books for Friday: Libraries

I believe that a library is the greatest invention ever! We make regular and thorough use of our local library, and I am very grateful for the services it provides. In honor of libraries, here are four books about libraries that are worth checking out!

booksMiss Brooks Loves Books! (and I don’t) by Barbara Bottner. One of my dream jobs is to be a children’s librarian, and I love how the librarian works so hard in this book to help every child discover a love of books.

9781596439856The Midnight Library by Kazuna Kohara. We love this author/illustrator, and it is a cute story about animals in the library.

51myPuDOz9L._AA160_No Pirates Allowed! Said Library Lou by Rhonda Gowler Greene. My first grader came home from school loving this book, after the school librarian had read it to her class. Pirates in the library?? They have to learn a few lessons first!

804HLibrarian on the Roof! A True Story by M.G. King. I actually haven’t read this book yet, but I requested my local library to purchase it. The story is about a librarian who daringly spends a week on the roof, to raise money for a children’s section. Sounds intriguing!

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