In case you missed the memo, it’s teacher appreciation week. My daughter’s elementary school has a different activity/theme for each day, and we are happy to be able to show a little of our appreciation for the fabulous kindergarten teacher that she has had this year.
Monday: Door Decorations
I volunteered to make the poster to decorate the classroom door, so I went to Skip to My Lou and found loads of door ideas. I ended up going with a star theme: “Mrs._______ is a super star teacher”. The Ant Bug helped me cut and glue over twenty colorful stars to decorate the poster. Then we went to school early this morning and had each child in the class sign their name (some also wrote “I love you”-sweet!) on one of the stars on their way into class. Alas, I forgot my camera so you’ll have to use your imagination. It was pretty simple to create, but a nice way to brighten another persons day, and it gave us a great project for a Saturday afternoon!
After looking around online for something special (and simple–I was down and out with the flu last week, so I’m simplifying my to do list!) I found the perfect idea at No Fuss Fabulous: A Bouquet of Pencils. Inspired by the movie You’ve Got Mail (one of my favorites), this gift is easy to create.I decided to put my bouquet in a vase, since that is what I had on hand. I re-purposed a glass jar, using Goo Gone and a little peanut butter to clear off the sticky label remnants. Then I used a hot glue gun to attach a ribbon to the jar opening (the Ant Bug said green was her teacher’s favorite, so we went with that). Printed off the label provided by No Fuss Fabulous, the Ant Bug wrote her name, attached the label to pretty cardstock, punched a hole and attached the label to the jar with another piece of green ribbon, and we were done. Again, simple but sweet.
Wednesday: Luncheon
Sign up to bring a dessert–check
Thursday: Flowers
I’m still figuring this one out. Perhaps a potted plant with a cute sign “Thank you for helping me grow” as shown here?
I like the idea of these No Sew Fabric Flowers, but since I am not a seamstress I don’t have any scraps of fabric just lying around. But perhaps I could do something similar with felt? I’ve been wanting to try my hand at some of the creative felt flower variations at Craft Snob for awhile now, maybe I finally have an occasion. Or is that too similar to the bouquet of colored pencils? Hmmmm….
Friday: Notes of Appreciation
I am going to follow the example of Teach Mama on this one. She helped her daughter brainstorm (I love that she used a web for organizing ideas!) and write a meaningful card/story to give to her awesome teacher, and she shares all the steps in the process here.
And that’s it! Whew! Not too much, to thank these fabulous teachers in the lives of our children. For more ideas be sure to check out Skip to My Lou, she has a ton of ideas posted to cover every interest.
What fun ideas! Thanks!