Best Baby Board Books: Sandra Boynton

When it comes to baby board books, the best books are written by Sandra Boynton. She has a playful writing style, and her animal illustrations are adorable. These great titles are members of our permanent family library collection:

But Not The Hippopotamus, Pajama Time!, Doggies, The Going to Bed Book, and Moo, Baa, La La La!
This book used to be on our shelf, until sadly, it was ruined by a cup of milk:

These two have been frequent checkouts on our library card:

Her books are well-loved in our home, by all ages.

Who can resist those cute singing pigs?!

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2 thoughts to “Best Baby Board Books: Sandra Boynton”

  1. I *LOVE* Sandra Boynton.

    A cow goes moo. A sheep goes baa.

    Three singing pigs go, “La La La!”

    “No, no,” you say. “That isn’t right…”

    –and then there’s:

    But YES! the hippopotamus, but not the armadillo.

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